Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Tax Collector from Jericho

The Tax Collector from Jericho

By Michael Houke

There was once a man named Zacchaeus, who was a Chief Tax Collector, from a town called Jericho and he was rich. Zacchaeus for some reason wanted to see Jesus up close and he was determined to do this. 

But why, He was a sinner, who cheated people out of money. Whatever was driving Zacchaeus he had it bad, bad enough to climb up in a sycamore tree to make sure he would see Jesus (Zacchaeus was a man of short stature and otherwise would not get a good view of the Messiah).

Well there was Zacchaeus perched high in the sycamore tree, watching and waiting for his chance at a glimpse of the Messiah, but why? Zacchaeus apparently had a genuine spiritual thirst come over him. What other explanation could there be? Then Jesus tells him to come down, that He, Jesus, was going to his house that day.

I wonder if Zacchaeus broke any speed records in his decent from the tree? Then as if to ruin the moment someone complains, “Jesus has gone to be a guest of a man who is a sinner”. Zacchaeus must have heard it, for he stops and proclaims to Jesus “behold Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I cheated anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much”. This was proof that a spiritual conversion had taken place in Zacchaeus’ soul.

Conviction replaced selfishness. He realized he was a sinner and without hesitation his heart was cleansed and a complete change of priorities overcame him. Jesus confirms this by saying “Today salvation has come to this house”.

At some point that day Zacchaeus had a genuine conversion. I wonder if it was while he was in the tree, on his way down, or did it occur before hand? Not that it matters as long as he was converted, then when doesn’t really matter.

Another unshakeable truth about the Messiah was His ability to draw sinners to Him, for they knew Jesus had the solution to their problem. On this particular day it was Zacchaeus. 

God Bless All
Michael Houke

May we thirst for the Lord and repent of sin and guilt!! May the Lords Salvation Reach every house in Jesus Name! Mine and Yours on this particular day! Glory be to Jesus !! Amen!! Thanks Michael Houke!

Glory Be To Jesus! Amen!!